====== Available Articles ====== Linux is about openness and community spirit. As such various members of our LUG have contributed the following articles to aid in the adoption of Linux. * [[Articles:Netgear Stora MS200]] Product Review with comments on use with Linux. * [[Articles:Linux Distribution Comparisons]] Members' reviews of Linux Distributions. * [[Articles:CupsPrinting|CUPS Printing On Debian Etch]] General Notes on printer setup under Debian Etch. * [[Articles:cvs|Notes On CVS]] General Notes on setting up and using CVS. * [[Articles:EtchToLenny|Notes On Upgrading Debian Etch to Lenny]] Basic Notes on Upgrading Debian Etch to Lenny. * [[Articles:EximSecureSMTP|Setting on a Secure Exim SMTP Server]] Notes on Setting on a Secure Exim SMTP Server. ====== Contributing ====== If you'd like to add an article, feel free. Just try and follow the existing schema: %% * [[Articles:ArticleTitle|Friendly Name]] Description %% And then follow the new link to create the page with the article content.