Table of Contents
In order to connect to our IRC channel, you have two options:
- Connect using a web-based client.
- Connect using an installed IRC client.
You need to know the server's using TLS on port 6697. Which can all be summed up as a single URL if your system recognises the URL's schema.
You'll also need the channel: #dorsetlug. It's a bit like a radio frequency that you're tuned into. Yes, the hash at the start is part of the name.
In addition, you'll need a nick, or nickname, which others will know you by. Choose what you like, but if it's too common, e.g. “john”, then you may find you have to pick another or some numbers get appended. That's one reason why you'll see some weird and wonderful nicks adopted by others. You can change your nick to another free one at any time, so don't think this is a choice for life.
Using a web-based client
Libera supply a web IRC client. You can connect to #dorsetlug with this pre-made URL; the nick can be edited to your chosen one, see above.
Using an installed IRC client
A couple of popular IRC clients are Weechat, which runs on a terminal, and XChat, which opens an X window.
Any bits of text longer than a line or two should be put up on our pastebin. You submit your pasted text there and then paste the resulting URL into #dorset. Attempting to paste lots of text onto the #dorset channel is considered bad form.