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Dorset Linux User Group

Who Are We?

We're users of the Linux operating system that have ties to Dorset and enjoy helping one another out, meeting face to face, or just chatting about Linux and free and open source software. Whether you're just considering Linux to avoid the “upgrade” to Windows 7 and want to know more, or are a wizened Unix wizard, feel free to get in touch. Many of us use the Ubuntu distribution, but also Debian, Archlinux, and even a bit of BSD.

Mailing List

The main way we communicate is the mailing list. It's relatively low volume, typically there's no emails for a few days and then someone with start a thread triggering half a dozen messages. After subscribing, post a message introducing yourself to say hello and consider adding yourself to the members page. We've also a group you can join.


A small number of us meet once a month at a pub for a beer and a chat. We alternate between Bournemouth and Dorchester to give more people a chance to go. Reminders are sent to the mailing list just before a meet and a summary of what went on is often written up afterwards.

In the past, we used to have workshop meetings where people would bring along their machines and we'd do more technical things than a pub allows. They stopped when the venue was unavailable and, although the venue's available again, there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm for resuming them. If you think differently, say so on the mailing list.

There's other local related groups that also have events and meetings. dotDorset is where a lot of them are listed.


We're on <a href="" rel="publisher">Google+</a> if you want to add us to your circles for the odd event invite or to locate other members.


For interactive discussion, we use Internet Relay Chat. There's often a few of us online; /join #dorset on See our IRC page for more detail or use the Mibbit web client.


As a spin-off from the workshop meetings we've had a couple of “Install Days” in the past in coordination with other LUGs. We helped people get Linux up and running on their machine.

Other groups

Other related groups in the Dorset area include


We've some articles written by members on various related topics. These include notes on how to carry out some specific tasks in Linux and a review of distributions by various members. Also introductions to various kinds of Linux, and competitive comparisons and advice about setting up.


Finally, there are a few local companies who provide Linux related services.

start.1404986560.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/10 11:02 by ralph